Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Very slowly, when you live in my latitude...but things have been coming out of the ground fast and furious these past few days, because the sun is warm and bright. I sit by my window and glance outside every so often, willing the plants to grow a little faster, all the while supposedly working and writing. But really, I just want to go out and play in the dirt. By late June those plants will be big bright yellow and orange lilies.
I am also tempted and distracted by the myriad travel guides scattered around the house. We are planning a trip for next spring. A serious trip. Right now the top of our list is Italy. Naples and Tuscany. I would like to go to Sicily as well.
What do you think? I welcome your advice....
This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 11, 2006 at 9:33 AM.
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1:01 PM
Ahh Bella Italia :) I think Naples is really dirty and not that beautiful. I think you should go to Florence and Rome and Venice, of course. :) But the south must have it's charm, as well.
Over here the plants are growing at high speed - I think you can actually see them grow if you stare at them for a while. It's sunny, sunny, sunny, I can't even open my eyes outside 8) (I need glasses)