Sunday, April 23, 2006
The weekend has been beautiful, with warm weather and lots of activity. My son and I organized our own Earth Day beach cleanup yesterday, and today I spent lots of time in the garden. Mr. C's parents came out and he went fishing with his father and our older son. The fishing trip was a bit of a disaster, with Mr. C up to his armpits in water (not intentional) and now his elbow is paining like crazy. He may need to go to the doctor to check it out tomorrow.
I have a faculty meeting to go to tomorrow and since I typically do not work on Mondays, the childcare arrangements have been a bit chaotic, but things are figured out. It wil just be a hectic day tomorrow...
The garden is getting very green and yellow. I am looking forward to more colours. There are periwinkle blossoms everywhere, so I'll be posting more flower pictures as the season goes...
How was your weekend?
This entry was posted on Sunday, April 23, 2006 at 8:35 PM.
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9:42 PM
Gorgeous flowers, are they fresias at the top? Just delightful :o)