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What did you do today?

Saturday, January 28, 2006

We went for a bike ride this afternoon (well, sort of). It's hard to not get distracted when you are surrounded by the ocean, woods, lakes and ponds. We bought a new bike helmet today so it had to be tried out. The temperature took a dramatic swing to the positive and so today was back to spring again. No babysitter tonight. No evening out. Maybe next weekend. So I leave you this Saturday night with some photos taken from our trek....and another Valentine craft for you to try. I'll post the supply list if you'd like.

Lobster traps on the wharf on our road. They've been pulled in because the local season is over.

I love how the setting sun hit the grass outside our house.

Valentines with candy...mmmmm. xoxoxo

  1. Blogger Heidi said:

    What did i do today? The weather was so mild, felt like spring so I walked for 5hrs downtown. My feet are paying the price.

    Sorry about the babysitter,
    maybe next weekend you and Mr.C will have a chance to go out for the evening.

    Nice photos :)

    Btw..I love Lobster!

    Ps..totally off topic..Is there a Tim Hortons nearby?...I just tried the Vanilla/Berry yogurt that has been advertised a million times on television..It's fantastic!

    ah k I'm done ;)

  1. Blogger Devil Mood said:

    I wish I had gone for a walk as well. But it was raining and really cold (for our standards). Being surrounded by ocean, ponds and woods sounds just wonderful - I wish I lived closer to nature.

  1. Blogger Cathy said:

    Heidi and Devil Mood;
    I just typed a huge long response to both of your comments and then it didn't show up....ugh.
    The summary;
    Heidi; I have not eaten it but now must. And I hope you come to our house for lobster one day.
    Devil Mood; I hope your weather improves and youa re ablt to go for a walk tomorrow.

  1. Blogger x said:

    great pictures!
    Especially the grass picture.
    i went to an exhibition. then i saw Woody Allen's latest film. Not saying anything more because then, there'll be nothing left to write in my blog :)

  1. Blogger Cathy said:

    I await the full post in great anticipation. Must go get some popcorn...:)
    (I sent you a parcel today:)
    My son asked who it was going to and I said "to my friend across the sea..."

  1. Blogger Corrina & Zack said:

    Cathy, I always call you "my Canadian friend" when I recite your blog entries to my husband....

  1. Blogger Cathy said:

    You are too sweet.
    I keep checking over at your site for more photos and updates on that beautiful babe of yours!
    Take Care, and should you ever be in Canada, you must come and visit, of course!

  1. Blogger Cathy said:

    And I forgot to ask; does he call you crazy for saying so?... I hope not:)

  1. Blogger sjobs said:

    Sorry you don't have a babysitter. Being a single parent, dating a single parent, we have a hell of a time finding time to spend alone together. It all works out in the end.

    It was unusually mild in MN today. This morning when I woke up it was already in the mid 40s. It is raining and 36 tonight but still about 20 degrees above normal.

    Love the photos and wished I had some of that lobster to eat tomorrow night when I cook for the first time for Gill.


  1. Blogger Mise en Place said:

    What beautiful pictures. Man oh man, I have GOT to get there someday for that coffee, lol!

    Sounds like a wonderful day.


  1. Blogger Michelle said:

    What fabulous photos :) Sounded like a great day for bike riding. Mmmmm, i love lobster and crayfish yummo!

  1. Blogger Skye said:

    Lobster, mmmm. I have that same ribbon on my pool case ! :)

  1. Blogger Meow (aka Connie) said:

    Cathy, sounds like you had a wonderful day. Hope Sunday is just as great. Have fun, Meow

  1. Anonymous Anonymous said:

    Sounds like such a nice day. The pics are great. How good of you to do more than one Valentine project?!? :) Truly a super mom! :)

  1. Blogger riskybiz said:

    Heidi, you should know that there is a Tim Hortons in every town in Canada. There is at least 6 in my town that I can think of.
    Seeing all those lobster traps may mean a vacation in the warmer months to visit my Aunt and cousins. I like lobster and all seafood!

  1. Blogger Y said:

    I am tagging you because i love your blogg and i want to know more about you.

    Four jobs you have had in your life
    Four Movies you could watch over and over
    Four places you have lived
    Four TV shows you love to watch
    Four places you have been on vacation
    Four websites you visit daily
    Four favourite Foods
    Four places you would rather be right now
    Four bloggers you are taggin

  1. Blogger Y said:


    awesome photos

  1. Blogger Cathy said:

    First cooked meal for a new boyfriend!
    Wow; good luck....I'll be over to see how it went:)

    Yes, you do. The pot is always on.
    (I mean coffee pot...)

    I've never had crayfish (I don't think, anyway); does it taste similar to lobster?

    What do you use your heart ribbon for?

    I have to catch up on some work today, which is gross because it is beautiful outside.
    I hope you had a great Sunday.

    You are sweet.
    I enjoy being crafty, that's all!:)

    Yes, a trip to the Maritimes is always a nice thing for the landlocked, especially when you have relatives to visit!

    Thanks, I will get at it...

    My son and I made them for one another (a little early, huh!). But we have enough supplies to make one for every one he knows!

  1. Blogger Berlinbound said:

    I took a walk, a long walk alone and stopped for a delicious beer in one of the oldest breweries in Cologne ...

  1. Blogger Eric said:

    Best not to get too distracted by your surroundings or you'll end up giving your helmets a real test.

    Have a most happy Sunday.

  1. Blogger Skye said:

    I gave one to Andrea for her case and mine too for Good Luck, it's just looped onto the end of the zipper, like a really long pull string. :)

  1. Blogger Cathy said:

    Sounds divine.

    Yes, very true...

    With the hearts, so great:)

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