Would that the leaders in this world knew how to fingerpaint. but as reality is reality, they'd steal the paint and paper and tell us fingers aren't allowed to paint. I don't know if that makes sense, but it did in my pea brain. Peace be with you too!!
It looks like fun. I like getting into my paintings too.
Glad you got the necklace.
And this fight for peace is going on and on and on.....
its easy to prevail but still people are fighting...
i am puzzled dont know why they are fighting??????
peace...glad you are experiencing it. : )
"There will always be wars and rumors of wars" So your PEACE is a welcome change! ~ jb///
You are a lucky one ...
i was so worried last night about the British Airways freaky news and as I was frantically trying to see whether i had been on those contaminated planes or not, i thought, it is so easy to spread evil, and so difficult to spread peace.
I know...and we don't even have to go to Iraq, there's warfare right next to us - people I know have serious mental turbulence (no kidding!)...and poverty and general mysery. But I had to mention Iraq because I think hell is now officially there :(
But I didn't mean to disencourage your peace, absolutely not. You deserve it :)
Hope your weekend is just as peaceful.
Take care, hugs to you and yours, Meow
Nothing is more wonderful than being at peace with oneself. I wish the world would learn the same thing!
Unfortunately there is so much suffering around the world so, we definitely have to count our blessings.
Peace to you and everyone thea accepts it
I am glad you used blue paint, red would have been to aggressive, blue seems to ask for peace, search for it...let there be Peace of earth, and let it begin with me...
8:27 PM
That is a great picture and a great thought. I am happy that you are at peace.