Monday, March 20, 2006
It was a beautiful sunny day but we didn't even leave the house. It is still very cold (-1 degrees C, which is about 30 degrees F), so looks are very deceiving. Being at home with the two boys left me drained and stressed; the babe is getting his top front teeth and is really cranky and my older son is really good, but was hard to amuse today. We all felt a little restless, as though we all knew that it was officially spring, and our minds and bodies need it, but it hasn't quite happened yet. Like three bears wishing we could all come out of hibernation.
Other than that, my mind was on mute today. I was thinking about
Michelle, though, who lives in the vicinity of the landfall for Typhoon Larry. Thankfully, neither she nor her home was injured.
As I had mentioned previously, I read the instructions in haste and so my cherry trees did not really bloom. My son and I enjoyed watching the little crystals emerge, however. Thank you again, Alysa.
The next three days will be really busy with work. I will check in when I can, blog friends.
This entry was posted on Monday, March 20, 2006 at 7:31 PM.
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8:09 PM
:)back at ya':)