Just For Fun
Monday, January 09, 2006- Chloe decided it would be fun for all of us to share the contents of our bags, right now, this moment, without leaving anything out. I took her up on it because it sounded like exactly the kind of thing I would do anyway, so minus the crumpled kleenex, this is what I found...
- one summer wallet (I am too lazy to change to a wintery coloured one; this one matches my watermelon summer bag)
- one brush with hair band wrapped around the end just in case of bad hair day
- one set of work keys (back into use tomorrow, I'm afraid)
- two fancy pencils and one wooden pen (yes, you heard me right, I like interesting writing tools)
- loose change (32 cents to be precise)
- one CD (with the photos I had sent for the expensive processing)
- three bandaids with cartoons on them (you never know when a child gets a scab or a mum gets a blister)
- Canadian passport (I always leave it there so I know where it is the night before I am about to travel somewhere; I had a bad experience once, and learnt my lesson)
- two small broken candy canes (not mine)
- a photo of my children (what good mother wouldn't!; well, actually it's there for me to take tomorrow)
- a lottery scratch ticket worth $2. (I always get some in my stocking; the only time I ever play the lottery)
- my (very old, but still working) abused cell phone
- coupons for diapers and loose receipts for god knows what
- a pink notebook (in case I have a good though and need to pull over to the side of the road to write it down, or to keep addresses, or one of a thousand lists I make in a day
- stamps (because I've recently mailed nice things to blog friends)
- hand cream (because the Canadian winter is harsh on hands)
- hand sanitizer (slather this on if we go our for dinner right after picking up my son from preschool...)
- three types of lip gloss; Body Shop cranberry for fancier times, lobello for functionality, and Avon snowman for a nice smell.
Go ahead, call me a loser.
Pretty boring, I wish I had some great secret hidden in there. What's in your bag?
10:36 PM
A winnie the pooh backback might be nice!