What do you love?
Monday, November 14, 2005I love fettucine. He responds. Needless to say, guess what we had for supper last night?
Sure, what's your address? I must warn you that the mileage fee and tip fee might make the total cost in the hundreds...willing to pay:)
I must confess, it is from a Canadian beer commercial, that's why the URL at the end, but thank you anyway!
Oh, Cathy. I so look forward to your blog. What a little card you have!
Hardly a day goes by that he doesn't crack me up. I am glad that I ahve the chance here to jot these things down, otherwise they might pass me by. I love the photo of you and your gorgeous babe, btw.
That's the funniest thing ever. Kids are just so sincere...and honest!
You want honesty; he's your man!
He loves pasta. Pasta of any kind; doesn't matter what I pile on top of it; great way to get healthy food into him; bad for Mr. C and I in terms of our waistlines, though. Atkins Diet would definitely not be an option in this household.
Sweet and true honesty is refreshing!
Is that actually a picture of the pasta you prepared for your kids? If the answer is yes, I want the recipe. If the answer is no, I still want the recipe.
Amazing the things he'll eat.
Scrappy Rose;
Real and really funny; what more can I ask for?
Thanks for stopping by. The ages of not having learnt the pat responses....
O.K. I'm caught. I've been waiting for someone to call me on this one. The thing is I didn't think to take a photo of the real fettucine that I cooked and it wouldn't have looked nearly as lovely as the one in the photo. I keep meaning to cite sources for photos when they are not mine (which is seldom now, but when I do..) Anyway, the source of the photo is http://www.cornichon.org/, which is a great culinary site. The actual photo was taken at El Amor, I belive it is called; a cafe in Seattle; chances are you won't be in the Seattle environ. for some time. The recipe...I'll have to get back to you on that one:)
I love fettucine too. Sounds and looks good too. :) These kids really are too funny. :)
mums and dads are okay, but food is better. you can't eat mum when you are hungry. that kid is right!
Mmmm! That picture makes me hungry. That's one of my favorite dishes!
You have a great blog. I'll visit again soon!
Now that your are starting to talk, I'm sure you'll have loads of funny stories to come...
You speak the truth.
Thank you for stopping by, and I'll visit you soon, too.
2:26 PM
Man I love kids! Too funny!
Lois Lane