Wednesday, March 07, 2007
I went to see the premier of a
documentary on sharks that is going to be opening in theatres in a couple of weeks. The Director was there to answer questions at the end of the show and it was amazing. I was surrounded by environmentally-conscious, aware and literate people. The humanity in the room filed me with hope.
Sharks are being killed for the consumption of shark fin soup. It needs to be banned. Eradicated. Read more about this specific issue in a great on-line article posted
here. And more about shark conservation from a great organization and wonderful web site
This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 07, 2007 at 8:33 PM.
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9:35 PM
They should ban it immediately as the process is totally inhuman. Sharks have the reputation of being cold-blooded killers, but we warm-blooded killers are far worse.