Thursday, January 11, 2007
Life is amazing, isn't it? Taking us on twists and turns, and into unexpected places. I have been so busy these past two weeks that I have hardly stopped to catch my breath. Looking at my watch today and being amazed that it was 2:30 and I hadn't had a single thought of lunch. Screeching my brain to a halt as I pick up the babe and my son and we play and laugh until bedtime. And then my brain clicks on again. I don't know where this internal switch resides, but it's there, thank goodness.
I haven't been working on
the book much these past few weeks. But I have been discussing the design of the cover with an amazing artist. And so...because of the theme and content of his show, I was asked to speak at the opening of the
exhibit tomorrow night. After an afternoon of play-dates with Play Station and swimming at the pool, I will then turn on another switch and give my talk at the gallery. I'll let you know how it goes...
This entry was posted on Thursday, January 11, 2007 at 9:11 PM.
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9:54 PM
Wow, sounds amazing! Best of luck with your talk...!