What a difference a day makes...
Monday, February 06, 2006Today....I was lied to. To my face. Blatant, rude and terrible lies. In front of others, which made it worse. My wonderful babysitter called and tells me she has herpes (on her face), which is shingles by another name. She is contagious. No childcare for two weeks, and I have a major Major MAJOR presentation to give at a conference this week. Not to mention the fact that I feel so badly for her to have to go through this. I get a call that the new desk will arrive on Friday and I am so happy by a little bit of bright light in a dark day that I practically scream yes Yes YES deliver to the house on Friday. I hang up the phone and immediately realize that I have a meeting on Friday...a really Really REALLY important meeting. But I have no telephone number for the delivery fellow who just called. Crap.
Monday by another name?....what is the antonym of TGIF? Anybody?...
9:07 PM
Oh dear, days like these are sent to try us. The day can only get better, i'm sure everything will work itself out in the end.
How do people look at others and blatantly lie to their face? Sociopaths i believe is the word.