Message in a Bottle
Thursday, July 13, 2006My Letter:
"Dear Member of Parliament;
The response by Israel to the capture of two Israeli soldiers was in no way appropriate nor measured. The attack on an International airport, was not a measured nor appropriate act.
I am neither Muslim nor Jewish and have no personal ties to this area. I am simply deeply hurt,alarmed and quite frankly, shocked by our Prime Minister's words in response to this attack by Israel on Lebanon. The subsequent attacks by Lebanon on Israel should also be condemned. There is no excuse nor justification for this situation, and Canada should be taking a strong stance for peaceful negotiations, and not speaking about appropriate measures. Bombs can not be used as appropriate measures in such circumstances.
I have never felt compelled to e-mail you before. And I hope I do not again.
Respectfully sent,..."
My name signed here
12:44 AM
I heard this same news at 5 a.m. this morning I too was furious, I came so close to throwing something, but then realized that this is the same mentaulity that our so called leaders are using and decided that I was waaay better than them. Thank you for firing off a letter . I need to send one to my representative. :)