On the streets of Halifax today...
Thursday, February 16, 2006Regardless, they are human beings and should be given respect. Today I saw a man throw a cigarette at one of the homeless. As he tossed it, another businessman walking in the opposite direction came in the line of fire and the tossed cigarette lodged in the oncoming businessman's neck. The whole thing unfolded in front of my eyes as the homeless fellow went to retrieve the cigarette from the businessman's neck (who, by the way, was searching for it's landing place, unaware of it's location). Seeing the homeless man coming after his neck, he started to step backwards pulling away from the man. I was about to stop and try and explain that the man wasn't threatening him but simply wanted to get the cigarette out from the folds of his neck. I decided to let them sort it out for themselves.
8:23 PM
Neo shakes his head
Cathy - Like my mom used to say: "Through the grace of God it wasn't you."
Some people will never understand.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo