Nothing Profound to Say
Monday, October 17, 2005
Nope, nothing profound at all. Probably because my brain has been in Lego, Dora the Explorer, teething Rings, craft supplies, computer games, pulling up underwear, changing another diaper, keeping the soother in, trying to get children to get the idea mode today. Both boys home on Mondays and Fridays. Tuesday tomorrow. 4 year old off to preschool. The one 4 month old suddenly seems to be a piece of cake. Mother back from vacation. Oy vay.
Our Halloween gingerbread house turned out great, though. I highly recommend the Wilton kits; the frosting was not drippy at all.
BTW, I had to add the World's Shortest Personality Test (scroll down to the bottom of my screen). I was blown away by how much I agree with this (especially the elegant and brilliant bits :). Thanks for this, Christina.
7:39 PM
Cathy, amazing, that's amazing! I would be so sad to eat it and destroy it though. It's lovely.