Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Nova Scotia Power is reporting that most of Shelburne County is out of power and it will not be returned until at least 11:30 p.m....we are just two counties north, so still waiting to see. The wind is stronger and the waves are heading out to sea rather than coming in. I expect them to turn tonight but probably not until after it's dark, which is too bad because I love to watch the surf. Tomorrow should be a chopppy day, too, though. We are going for our flu shots later and will be out in it. Probably won't post again until tonight, if we do have power. If I don't post, you'll know we're out...we live outside the city, so if the power does go it could be for awhile...
This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 at 1:46 PM.
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3:22 PM
Wow, we are having a tough time here too. The wind and the rain. Lots of trees down and no electricity for many. Not us so far, but time will tell.
I would love to visit Nova Scotia. Was so close last summer but couldn't convince the rest of the family to go. I think it'd be a beautiful place.
Anwyay, good luck with flu shots and electricity!
I so love your little ranting profile!