Monday, September 26, 2005My husband has been slowly turning into a snorer. We have been married for 12 years. I can not recall specifics, but there was something about snoring in our vows. And it went along the lines of thou shalt not...My father snored. It drove my mother to send him to a different bedroom. To this day they each have their own bedroom in the house I grew up in. My mom has the master bedroom and my dad sleeps in the bedroom next door. The one that was temporarily mine. I know there are a million cures; some more extreme than others. I don't have the desire to delve into them. I will let Mr.C. work on that, which he might once he gets tired of the bruises from me punching him all night long. He says it's because he's tired; we have a 3 month old. He supposedly doesn't snore when he's not tired. He tells me that I wack him so instinctively now during the night that when he is totally awake and reading I still thrash out and yell "stop snoring". What to do??? Maybe he needs a vacation to Paris. Or London...http://www.londonsnoringcenter.com
9:33 PM
well a REALLY belated comment here: I make M take Snoreeze, a spray. It works (most of the time) xx